12 Transcendental Études

Carillon in B major

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O 12 Transcendental Études

Op. 11 - 12 Transcendental Études (dedicated to Franz Liszt)
Berceuse ("Lullaby") in F# major
Ronde des Fantômes ("Ghosts' dance") in D# minor
Carillon in B major
Térek ("The River Terek") in G# minor
Nuit d'été ("Summer night") in E major
Tempête ("Tempest") in C# minor
Idylle in A major
Chant épique ("Epic song") in F# minor
Harpes éoliennes ("Aeolian harps") in D major
Lesghinka in B minor
Ronde des sylphes ("Dance of the sylphs") in G major
Elégie en mémoire de François Liszt ("Elegy in memory of Liszt") in E minor

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